Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Red sky in the morning .........

............. shepherds warning..........or so the old saying goes anyway.  And perhaps that old saying is right as the weather has turned rough this evening!  This morning's sunrise taken on the way home from the school bus drop-off.  I got a new camera recently, so I've been having a little play.  I have SO much to learn though.    

Following my last post Josie and I have agreed to a challenge come to an arrangement which should see us both eventually end up with 2 finished quilts each.  Josie has only a couple of blocks to finish on her Butterfly Garden quilt, and she has bravely offered that if she finishes her BG before I finish mine, she is going to begin A Gardener's Journal quilt by Hatched and Patched.  Now I'm sure she must be very keen to do A Gardener's Journal, because there's no way on earth I'll be finished my BG before her!  You can see where Josie's up to here.  Her blocks are beautiful.  Here is the link to the original Butterfly Garden by Leanne's House.  A little bird told me there's a set of BG patterns on their way here too.   Watch this space. lol  Anyone else out there keen to join us and get their Butterfly Garden quilt finished(or even started)??  I know there's a few lurking out there!. 

I've finished another Gardener's Journal stichery and a couple of Butterfly Garden miniblocks, so I'll get some pics taken soon.    Till then.................happy stitching and thanks for visiting today ........



Annie said...

That sky looks beautiful. Hope your weather doesn't get too bad. We're in the midst of a heat wave here!

Cardygirl said...

Great pic...I have a BG almost done...can I commit to join in????

rosie said...

That is a beautiful picture.. what is your new toy, a point and shoot one or, and SLR? I love the butterfly quilt.. This is one I would be tempted to do when I finish everything else!! We know that's not going to happen!!!!

BubzRugz said...

I can't wait to start mine.......

Wendy said...

Beautiful photo Nicky. There's so many lovely patterns around it gets very tempting!! Take care, Wendy

Siobhán said...

Beautiful photo! I can't wait to see your blocks!

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