This week has been a busy one, I worked at my part-time job on Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday, and spent Thursday and Friday working with sheep. We were dagging and innoculating our two-tooth(rising two year old) ewes in preparation for shearing and tupping. It is a slow and mindless job, but they certainly look a lot tidier once they are dag-free. The vaccine we give them is to prevent a couple of different diseases that can cause the ewes to abort in the early stage of their pregnancy, so is definitely worth doing. In the evenings I have been spending some time on my Pin Pillow exchange piece. It is coming along slowly but surely.
I took a few pics in my garden, it has been taking a bit of a battering with wind in the last few days, and has also got to that stage at the end of summer when everything would benefit from being cut back and tidied up. Maybe next week.
Look at the little guy I caught enjoying the lavendar, it smells heavenly, and is full of bees at the moment.
Pansies and violas are my favourite flowers, and I usually let them self-seed wherever they please. Here are a few in my herb garden. 
This rose is called 'Trumpeter' and I love it for its longevity, the buds open and the blooms seem to last for well over a week before they start to look straggly. The colour is brilliant, and a lot brighter than what I usually go for, but I really love how it lasts and lasts on the bush, without dropping petals everywhere.
We have some friends coming over this afternoon for a visit, they have two girls about the same age as ours. The two Dads are taking the two eldest daughters away on a motorbike ride. Both the girls have a motorbike each, and are gaining in confidence all the time. So at school this week they hatched a plan that they would get together on Saturday for a ride around one of their farms, cunning aren't they! I think their Dads are looking forward to it just as much as the girls are. The two younger girls are going to ride their pushbikes back at the house with the Mums. So I guess I had better go and have a tidy up, and make preparations for a BBQ dinner to follow. Whatever you are up to this weekend I hope you have an enjoyable one.